The goods are sent as soon as possible, but no later than within 10 working days of ordering, or you can pick them up in person at the address of the company's headquarters. Dealer and wholesale orders are sent according to the current cycle of our transport.
End customers can track their order after logging into the administration in "Order History".
When ordering goods that are not in stock, the seller will suspend the order if the goods arrive within 7 working days and we send the goods together in one package with one postage. In the event that the goods are unavailable for a longer period of time, we will automatically inform the customer.
ATTENTION: When ordering goods weighing more than 5 kg (this applies mainly to washing powders and detergents in 5 liter packages), the customer may change the method of transport to our own transport or a sales representative to avoid damage to the shipments.
It is not possible to pay by credit card during transport by our company.
Personal collection
The goods can be picked up between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., after prior notice. If you require a different time, please call +420 596 425 593.
Payment for goods for personal collection is only possible in cash.
Warehouse address:
Vento Bohemia spol. s r.o.
Černá cesta 919
735 35 Horní Suchá